CHEER, BOYS, CHEER! Lyricist Unknown

CHORUS: Cheer, boys, cheer! We'll march away to battle! Cheer, boys, cheer, for our sweethearts and our wives! Cheer, boys, cheer! We'll nobly do our duty, And give to the South our hearts, our arms, our lives. Bring forth the flag, our country's noble standard; Wave it on high till the wind shakes each fold out. Proudly it floats, nobly waving in the vanguard; Then cheer, boys, cheer! with a lusty, long, bold shout. CHORUS But as we march, with heads all lowly bending, Let us implore a blessing from on high. Our cause is just, the right we're defending, And the God of battle will listen to our cry. CHORUS Tho' to the homes we never may return, Ne'er press again our lov'd ones in our arms, O'er our lone graves their faithful hearts will mourn, Then cheer, boys, cheer! such death hath no alarms. CHORUS

Thanks to Dean Fowler of ReWEP Associates
for creating the MIDI file of Cheer, Boys, Cheer!
©Poetry and Music of the War Between the States
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission.

Songs of the Confederacy